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Changing the future of golf. For good.

England Golf Policies

These policies apply to London Airlinks Golf Course only, due to its affiliated status with England Golf. These policies subsequently apply only to related affiliated activities and are concurrent to our standard company policies.

2. Competitions & Handicaps

1.1 The Competition & Handicap Committee at London Airlinks Golf Course is responsible for the organisation and efficient running of all golf competitions, matches and to see that handicaps are adjusted according to the Handicap Rules.

1.2 The Handicap Secretary and Competition & Handicap Committee is the responsibility of the Centre Manager.

1.3 Main Duties

  • Preparation of the annual club fixture list.
  • To see that all competitions comply with the rules as laid down and the Rules of Golf.
  • Maintain a proper handicap register and see that all scores are recorded correctly and Members notified of changes in their playing handicaps.
  • Ensure the CDH is accurate at all times.
  • To see that all dues and entry fees for competitions are properly recorded.
  • To deal with all disputes on all matters appertaining to all golf competitions and handicaps.
  • See that all arrangements are made for annual prize giving and the honours boards are kept up to date, and trophies engraved where necessary.
  • Carry out Annual Review of Handicaps.